Welcome to

Ginkgo Health Care GmbH


Your reliable partner for orthopaedic wearable
medical devices and home care equipment for seniors!

Excellent quality for

a comfortable &

independent life!

Keep moving,

Think positive!


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Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that,

you can make anything happen.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Ginkgo Health Care GmbH

A private owned limited company, located in Hamburg Germany.

healthy life

People have a fundamental need for positive and lasting relationships.

Check your mood and energy, consider your social network and look for people like you.

Communicate on a regular base with your friends and your family.

Improve your memory by reading and writing and reduce your risk.

Set a weekly goal for your hobbies.

Pay attention to your body, movement is an essential for seniors.

TagVita is helping you to reach a healthy living style, START RIGH NOW.

Outdoor Activities

"All Journey of a thousend miles started with a first step."

LAOTSE (5th-6th Cehntry BCE)

Chinese philosopher 


"The moment is timeless." 

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

Italian polymath

Reading & Writing

"You can see something 100 times, 1000times before you can really see it."

Morgenstern (1871-1914)

German auther

Family & Communicationc

"The best thing you can do in this beautiful world is playing with children."

Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906)

Norweigian poet