Go For Paralympic!

由 Ginkgo Admin

Go for Paralymic! Make your dream come true!

Sicheres Reisen mit Mobeli! - Paralympics Teilnehmer - Neils Grunenberg!

Safe trip with Mobeli! - Paralympics Paticipants - Neils Grunenberg!

"慈母手中线,游子身上衣,临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归." 安全出行, 安全归来,是你对家人最好的承诺! - 残奥会运动员 Neils Grunenberg!

Paralympics Teilnehmer - Niels Grunenberg

Birth (生日): 30.03.1975

Place(出生地): Berlin 柏林

Sport (体育项目): Para Swimming 残疾人游泳项目

competitions (参赛项目): Breaststroke 蛙泳

Disability 残疾: Paraplegia 瘫痪,半身麻痹

Paralympics participation (参与的残奥会): London 2012, Peking 2008, Athen 2004 

Paralympic Games:  

2012- Silver medal of 100 meter Breaststroke (2012残奥会100米蛙泳银牌)                             

2008 - No.4 of 100 meter Breaststroke (2008残奥会100米蛙泳第四名)                              

2006 - No.6 of 100 meter Breaststroke (2006残奥会100米蛙泳第六名)

World Championships:

2015 - No.7 of 100 meter Breaststroke (2015国际杯100米蛙泳第七名)                                  

2013 - No.3 of 100 meter Breaststroke (2015国际杯100米蛙泳第三名)                                  

2010 -Silver metal of 100 meter Breaststroke(2015国际杯100米蛙泳银牌)     

European Championships:

2016 - No.4 of 100 meter Breaststroke (2016 欧洲杯100米蛙泳第四名)                                        

2014 - No.3 of 100 meter Breaststroke (2016 欧洲杯100米蛙泳第三名)                                        

2011 - Gold medal of 100 meter Breaststroke (2011 欧洲杯100米蛙泳金牌)


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