Go out & Enjoying the freedom!

by Ginkgo Admin

„Auch der längste Weg beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt.“ Laotse (6. Jahrhundert v.Chr.), chinesischer Philosoph

Erhalten Sie ihre Mobilität, treffen Sie gute Freunde


"All Journey of a thousend miles started with a first step." LAOTSE (5th-6th Cehntry BCE), Chinese philosopher 

Check your mood and energy, consider your social network and look for people like you. Go out and enjoying the freedom!


“千里之行,始于足下。” 老子 (公元前5-6世纪)中国哲学家 



Ginkgo Health Care GmbH together with Trustcare, we are very proud to presenting you a small, light, stable and modern designed rollator!  Even with small and limited trunk, you could store it easily for a wonderful day tour outside in the freedom!

银杏树老年康健产品有限公司携手Trustcare, 我们荣幸的向您推荐一款轻巧,坚固,设计新颖的瑞典户外助行器! 即使窄小的汽车后备箱也能轻松的, 将它放置好!带着它,和家人一起,乐乐融融的,好好享受美丽的一日游吧!

For more product details, please click product page, thanks!


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